Words of wisdon
1000 of the Most Inspiring Quotes
Here are my favorite quotes. These insights can inspire us to awaken and see the world differently, with new motivation and possibilities for success...
Life Purpose
Spiritual Awareness
Success and Abundance
Wisdom from the Heart
Happiness and Wellbeing
Communication & Relationships
Motivation and Leadership
Parenting and Education
Emotional Intelligence
Social Community
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~ My Favorite Picture Quotes ~
~ The Universal Wisdom of Proverbs ~
Further illuminating quotes are included in...
Inspiring Quotes of the Week
When you subscribe to our free service, each Monday you'll receive several transformational quotes on a new topic - with commentary by Peter Shepherd - to inspire you throughout the week...
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Previous Inspiring Quotes of the Week
Ability Abundance Action Adaptability Adversity Appreciation Awakening Awareness Beauty Being In the Present Being Yourself Belief Be the Change Change the World Character Children Civilization Communication in Relationships Compassion Connection Creativity Criticism Death Determination Discipline Doing Good Dreams Ego Emotional Intelligence Excuses Failure Fear Forgiveness Freedom Free Will Friendship Get Started Gibran on Marriage Giving God is... Gratitude Hard Work Habits Happiness Healing Heart Heart & Work Home Hope Humor Imagination Integrity Inquiring Mind Inner Guidance Intention Involvement Judgmental Kindness Knowing Yourself Knowledge Leadership Learning Letting Life Unfold Liberty Listening Listening II Love Love & Marriage Manifestation Meditation Memories Mind Mindfulness Mistakes Motivation Nature Old Age Parenting Passion Patience Positive Approach Prayer Quality Reaching the End Releasing Emotions Romance Service Shine Consciously Spiritual Intelligence Stereotypes Stress Suffering Thanksgiving Time Togetherness Tolerance Transformation Trust Ups and Downs of Life Wayne Dyer Wisdom Women's Rights Work-Life Balance Working Together Youth
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“I thought I should congratulate you for the good work you are continuing to do. Trans4mind is the reason I believe in myself and my work. I get energy to move even when the future is too dim, and I’m able to understand others, forgive and forget... It’s like God speaks to me via you because every time I visit my mails there’s always a life lesson that’s relevant to that particular moment. You have changed my life completely. I am a big fan and follower and will always be. Thanks liberty” ~ Beatrice
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“Maybe nobody else under the sun is doing service like you by free distribution of knowledge. In this respect you are matchless. No words can express my profound gratitude to you. Your messages are a grand feast to me and many more like me. My joy knows no bounds.”~ Narayana, India
“I am your subscriber and great admirer. For over 5 years, your service to Mankind for exploring self, its potential and its positive growth are outstanding/unrivaled.” ~ Khalid
“I wanted you to know that I absolutely LOVE the information flowing from your spirit into the heart, souls and minds of others existing in this Earthly realm.” ~ Darlene Brown
“I love your work, thank you so much, really you have great words of wisdom. Namaste.” ~ Karen Taylor
“The inspiring quotes you send... they make my day, make me think in a positive aspect and also make me accept the way I am. Thank you so much for the thoughts. May the good work continue for years to come and inspire millions :) ” ~ Amratha Kini
“Thank you for the clarifying emotions, words of true wisdom. Your sharing is love put into practice.” ~ Tomas Karlalas
“I am absolutely in love with your quotes, absolutely wonderful and influential.” ~ Onnica
“Thank you for taking the time to make the world a better place to live in.” ~ JJ
“Thank you liberty for all the wonderful quotes. I share them on my FB page. The quotes are not only a rich insight into the profiles of the people who wrote them but are truly inspiring and meaningful.” ~ Canta
“Thank you, thank you, this is a fantastic site and fantastic quotes!”~ Melissa
“Your quotes have been coming in at exactly the right time for me, as if you are the messenger to tell me that which I need to hear. May you continue being a messenger for one and all.” ~ Odette
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